Clive Harber has been programming computers since he was 13. He holds a Master’s degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Wales, Swansea and diplomas in Marine Biology and Art History. Having written code in a number of programming languages and different paradigms over the years for the sports and betting industries, telecommunications, health care, retail and entertainment sectors, he’s now at a point where he feels he can be useful to the programming community as a whole.
Clive has previously co-written two other books – Getting MEAN with MongoDB, Express, Angular and Node 2nd ed and Implementing Cloud Design Patterns for AWS 2nd ed and has been a reviewer and technical reviewer on more than 10 other widely available books on a variety of technical subjects (Frontend frameworks – Vue.js/React/Web Components, testing, Elixir, UI/UX, Microservices, desktop applications). He has been using Vue.js for several years on multiple projects.
Currently, Clive runs his own consultancy providing expertise in building web and mobile applications using Node, Vue.js, Quasar, NativeScript, Elm, Elixir and PhoenixFramework.