A beginner guide to coding using play way method to learn web programming. 



  • Installation of Visual Studio code 
  • Step-by-step demonstration of creating folder and creating files
  • In-depth practical demonstration of concepts with examples
  • Explanation of the code using comments with the Code window and Output Screenshots 
  • Real-life based problems to demonstrate the approach for solving the problem



Helps in installation of the software and step by step process of creating the folder and creating the files within the folder. 

Different approach is taken to understand the concept of learning the programming concepts. The problem statement is given with the help of screenshots and then the code is given to display the output that has been asked in the problem statement along with the screenshot. 

As the students enjoy playing games and understand the concept easily using gamification method. The visual method is easier for the kids of this age to understand the concept. Therefore, playing with colors, shapes, and images are used in the beginning and then they can build projects to understand the concept of web programming.


  • Learn to understand what is the problem, how to approach for solving it and then code it to build the problem-solving approach.
  • Step-by-step approach towards solving a problem. 
  • All the concepts are taught with the help of a problem to make the student understand the basic concepts and where to use which concept.
  • Able to understand the concept using real-life problems



CSS and JavaScript are very popular, interesting and fun way for introducing web programming language with HTML. This book focuses on fun way approach for learning CSS and JavaScript programming. It caters to all the students who have a passion and also would like to see what all can be done by using CSS and JavaScript web programming. It makes the coding simple, experiential, and practical to code and observe the output of the webpage. The students will enjoy while learning the fundamentals of HTML, CSS and JavaScript concepts by doing various projects that uses colors, shapes and games. Each concept dealt with the help of a project to make them understand the real-life problems and their solutions. Any age group student can learn HTML, CSS and JavaScript by using this book.