This book presents a detailed discussion on Internet technology and Protocols in an easy-to-understand language.
Internet Introduction, addressing in Internet, E-mail, Internet Relay Chat, World Wide Web, Web servers and browsers, Web Publishing, VRML, FTP, Telnet and Internet security, etc. are explained in a manner that students of science, arts or commerce streams can understand these technical topics easily.
The book also covers HTML features with a good number of examples. It also covers impact of Internet on the Society.
Large number of objective questions and test paper included at the end of each chapter.

Special Features

  • A detailed description of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) along with style sheets, forms, and table designing.
  • Types of Internet connectivity, e-mail protocols contents and routing explained.
  • Interactivity tools such as ASP, COI, Java, and JavaScript are discussed for easy comprehension.
  • Set of review questions with answers added at the end of each chapter to help readers to have a feel of the objective questions appearing in the examination.
  • The set of Sample Papers included giving a taste of papers appearing in subsequent examinations.
  • A comprehensive index and glossary of technical terms are included to facilitate answering multiple-choice questions.