54 powerful applications & control-oriented experiments with Intel’s SDK-85 microcomputer, employing the 8085 microprocessor, is the sequel to the first volume, FUNDAMENTALS & APPLICATIONS, 76 CONTROL EXPERIMENTS WITH THE SDK-85. The book is practical & intensely applications oriented & uses all the power for control available on the SDK-85 with its 8085-8155-8355 MINIMUM SYSTEM. The time-counter; event counting port C handshake; RST 7.5, 6.5, 5.5 & pending interrupts; SID-SOD, the 8279, are all exploited to the hit in real world applications & control experiments [see front cover]. A large chapter on D to A & A to D features 11 very practical & important experiments in which 3 different DAC & 5 ADCs are employed. Unique, practical, & quite advanced control experiments are presented everywhere through-out the book. It is assumed that reader has been through the first volume, or its equivalent. As in that volume, a number of the experiments are the result of practical problem area suggestions by participants from the numerous companies who have attended the author’s many microprocessor seminars & courses.