A journey starts from zero understanding to dev ready in Vue.js Vue.js is one of the quickly growing Javascript frameworks, which can be used on any scale of the project to help the stakeholders in the rapid application development process. The good thing with Vue.js is that it is lightweight and can also be integrated with the existing project. It saves the development time and also enables managed HTML interface using Javascript.

We have designed the book in a way that it keeps shaping the readers' understanding in Vue.js. We have started with a basic advantage of learning Vue.js. Then the topic progresses through the introduction of Vue.js, how to set up a project, how CLI in Vue.js works, a basic understanding of the HTML tags used with Vue.js, watchers and it wraps around with the computed properties along with a comparison between watchers and computed property. By this time, the reader must have gained a fair knowledge of Vue.js. In this first part, we have also covered the usage of the debugging tool shared by Vue.js i.e Vue Chrome extension.
In the middle section of the book, we have mostly covered the reusable part for Vue.js by covering the component basics and advance along with plugins, mixins, slots, filters, render functions and so on.
At the end, we have added the routing, state management and building single page application concepts for the reader to make them equipped to create and work in projects.
Additionally, we have added one appendix which makes a quick and basic comparison between similar JS frameworks. We have also covered a few alternatives to designing components in Vue.js.


A self-starter guide to build an intuitive single page application with Vue2.

Key Features
1. The learner can learn concepts such as how Vue.js works in the real would with reusable items like components, plugins, mixins, and so on.
2. Efficient and different ways of writing the template codes like using HTML, using .vue files, and so on.
3. Along with several basics, we have emphasized the concepts which are the real implementation as per industry standard.
4. This book is a reference guide for novice learners in Vue.js.
5. We have started with the basics of Vue.js and progressed through the basic elements. So that the reader will get a fair idea of it.
6. It will help the reader to decide between the frameworks as we have stated a framework comparison in the book.

What Will You Learn
This book would help the reader to acquire knowledge on the Javascript framework like Vue.js. It would help them in understanding the two-way binding, the way how states work, how the single-paged application built and so on, which are the kind of much-needed industry knowledge nowadays. 
Who This Book is For
The reader should have a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and Javascript which are the basic building blocks of web development. So this book, we have skipped the basics of web development part and covered the Vue.js starting from basics to advanced.