Exploring Oracle primavera P6 professional 18 for planners and engineers covers: enterprise project structure (EPs) organization breakdown structure (obs) work breakdown structure (wbs) Calendars activities and establishing relationships resources and roles risks and issues baselines and tracking progress project expenses and generating reports exploring Oracle primavera P6 professional 18 for planners and engineers textbook introduces the readers to the practices and concepts of project Management Using primavera software. The textbook covers the essentials concepts of project Management such as planning, controlling, and managing projects. After reading this textbook, you will be able to use tools in primavera for creating EPs, wbs, activities, and resources as well as for generating reports of the project. This textbook is specially meant for professionals and students of Civil Engineering, project management, and allied fields in the building industry.
• Part Design, Assembly Design, Drafting, Wireframe & Surface Design
• FreeStyle, Generative Sheetmetal Design, DMU Kinematics
• Advanced Meshing Tools, Generative Structural Analysis
• Generative Shape Design workbenches of CATIA
CATIA V5-6R2018 for Engineers and Designers textbook introduces the readers to CATIA V5-6R2018, one of the world’s leading parametric solid modeling packages. In this textbook, the author emphasizes on solid modeling techniques that improve the productivity and efficiency of the users. The chapters in this textbook are structured in a pedagogical sequence that makes it very effective in learning the features and capabilities of the software.
The salient features of the textbook are as follows:
Tutorial Approach: The author has adopted the tutorial point-of-view and the learn-by-doing approach throughout the book. This approach guides the user through the process of creating the models in the tutorials.
Real-World Projects as Tutorials: The author has used about 45 real-world mechanical engineering projects as tutorials in this textbook. These projects enable the readers to relate the models in the tutorials to the mechanical engineering industry. In addition, there are about 40 exercises that are also based on real-world mechanical engineering projects.
Coverage of all Important Workbenches: The book covers all important workbenches of CATIA, including Part Design, Assembly Design, Drafting, Wireframe, and Surface Design, freestyle, Generative Sheetmetal Design, Generative Shape Design, and DMU Kinematics.
Tips and Notes: Additional information is provided to the users in the form of tips and notes.
Learning Objectives: The first page of every chapter summarizes the topics that are covered in that chapter.
Self-Evaluation Test, Review Questions, and Exercises: Every chapter ends with a Self-Evaluation test so that the users can assess their knowledge of the chapter. The answer to the Self-Evaluation Test is given at the end of the chapter. Also, Review Questions and Exercises are given at the end of chapters and they can be used by the instructor as test questions and exercises.
Free Resources for Faculty and Students:
• Online technical support by contacting techsupport@cadcim.com
• All models used in tutorial, exercises, and illustrations.
• Instructor Guide with solutions to all review questions and exercises
• Additional learning resources at http://pmpxperts.blogspot.com and youtube.com/cadimtech