This book is designed in a manner to cover the questions based on the latest syllabus of Course on Computer Concepts (CCC) and prepare a person to pass the exam and learn the use of computers for professional as well as day-to-day use.

The book is parted into twenty-four model test papers, and each consists of fifty Multiple-choice questions and fifty True/False along with the answers.

Approach towards success

Key Features
Includes 2400 questions (both Multiple-choice questions and True/False)
Covers all the essential concepts form an examination point
Acquire confidence in using computer techniques available to users
Recognize the basic concepts of computers technology, understand data, information and file management
Extensive coverage of questions asked in the exam

What will you learn
Basics of Computer, Operating System, Edubuntu/Ubuntu
MS Office, LibreOffice
Internet, WWW, Web, E-mail, Social Networking, and e-Governance Services
Digital Financial Tools, Futuristic IT Technology & Cyber Security

Who this book is for
This book aims at imparting a basic level of IT literacy to computer novices and will help them to learn the practical applications of the concepts.