This Diploma in Computer Applications (D.C.A Book) is a one of a kind Computer book valuable for its broad content and it low price. This book contains updated coverage of the D.C.A. syllabus you need to know about. Basically this book is written according to D.C.A. Syllabus of BHOJ Open University, but it is the only book which is covering syllabus of various professional courses also.

 With D.C.A book, you will learn about DOS, PC Packages, Networking  & Web Applications, finally an extensive section on exercise will help you ensure the confidence. This b book will full fill all the needs and expectations of the students.   

 Paper code- CCA 01 / DCA 01

Unit – I                                                                                                

Introduction to Computer and Information Technology

Types of computers

Personal Computer       

Computer Organizations

Unit – II

Input Devices

Output Devices

Storage Devices

 Unit – III

Computer Software's

System Software

Operating Systems

Programming languages

Application Software

Number System

Data representation in computers

Unit – IV                                                                                                       

Disk Operating System (DOS)

DOS Commands 

Unit –V                                                                                                            

Data Communication and Networks

Communication Process

Communication Protocols

Communication Channels


Types of Connections

Types of Network

Topologies of LAN

Components of LAN

Paper code-CCA 03 / DCA 03

Unit –I to VI                                                                                                                 

Windows XP

Managing Hardware & Software


Sharing Information between Programs                                                                                                             

Word Processing: MS Word                                                                                                                 

Word Processing: Advanced Features of MS Word                               

Worksheet: MS Excel                           

Worksheet: MS Excel                                                                           

Presentation Graphics: MS Power Point

Paper Code-CCA 05 / DCA 05

Unit – I to V                                                                                                              

Introduction to Database                                                                                                                      



Form Basics                                                                                                                
