In this heterogeneous world a program which is compiler dependant is simply unacceptable. This book teaches you C language in such a manner that you are able to write truly portable programs. This book doesn’t assume any programming background. It begins with the basics and steadily builds the pace so that the reader finds it easy to handle complicated topics towards the end. Each chapter has been designed to create a deep and lasting impression on the reader’s mind.”If taught through examples, any concept becomes easy to grasp”. This book follows this dictum faithfully. Yashavant has crafted well thought out programming examples for every aspect of C programming.

  • Learn real-world C programming as per latest ANSI standard
  • All Programs work on DOS, Windows as well as Linux
  • Detailed explanation of difficult concepts like \"Pointers\" and \"Bitwise Operators\"
  • End of chapter Exercises drawn from different Universities
  • Written by author of best-seller Let Us C