This book prepares you for Big data interviews w.r.t. Hadoop system and its ecosystems such as HBase, Pig, Hive, Flume, Sqoop, and Spark. Over the last few years, there is a rise in demand for Big Data Scientists/Analysts throughout the globe. Data Analysis and Interpretation have become very important lately.
The book covers many interview questions and the best possible ways to answer them. Along with the answers, you will come across real-world examples that will help you understand the concepts of Big Data. The book is divided into various sections to make it easy for you to remember and associate it with the questions asked.
A power-packed guide with solutions to crack a Big data Hadoop Interview
- Get familiar with Big data concepts
- Understand the working of Hadoop and its ecosystem.
- Understand the working of HBase, Pig, Hive, Flume, Sqoop and Spark
- Understand the capabilities of Big data including Hadoop and HDFS
- Up and running with how to perform speedy data processing using Apache Spark
- Apache Pig interview questions and answers
- HBase and Hive interview questions and answers
- Apache Sqoop interview questions and answers
- Apache Flume interview questions and answers
- Apache Spark interview questions and answers
This book is for anyone interested in big data. It is also useful for all jobseekers and freshers who wants to drive their career in the field of Big Data and Data Processing.