1. Overview of Excel 2021
  2. Cell References and Range
  3. Working with Formulas and Functions
  4. Data Validation
  5. Protection
  6. Sorting a Database
  7. Filtering a Database
  8. Subtotals and Data Consolidation
  9. Pivot Tables
  10. Conditional Formatting
  11. What-if-Analysis
  12. Working with Multiple Worksheets, Workbooks and Applications
  13. Working with Charts
  14. Creating and Recording Macros in VBA
  15. Assigning Buttons to Macros
  16. Functions and Subroutines in VBA
  17. Conditional Statements in VBA
  18. Variables and Data Types in VBA
  19. Looping Structures in VBA
  20. Arrays and Collections in VBA
  21. Debugging and Error Handling in VBA
  22. User Forms and User Input in VBS
  23. Advanced VBA Techniques and Best Practices
  24. Building Custom Add-ins with VBA
  25. ChatGPT with Excel