Chapter 1: Getting Started
- Introduction
- What is SPA
- Technologies used to build SPA
- Glimpse of Movie Review App
- Glimpse of Movie Review Solution
- Summary
Chapter 2: Creating Solution from the Blank Slate
- Introduction
- Solution Creation
- Adding Project References
- Adding Packages
- Important Tools
- Data Technologies
- Creating Models
- Creating Entity Framework
- Creating Entity Framework Db Context Class
- Using Db Context Class
- Using Migrations
- Seeding the Database
- Implementing Repository Pattern
- Creating Unit of Work Pattern (UOW)
- Summary
Chapter 3: Implementing Web API
- Introduction
- Creating First Web API Controller
- Implementing HTTP Put Request
- Implementing HTTP Post Request
- Implementing HTTP Delete Request
- Improvising Web APIs
- Adding More Controllers
- Summary
Chapter 4: Getting Started with Angular JS
- Introduction
- Getting started with UI Design
- Installing Angular JS
- Creating First Angular Controller
- Data-Binding using Angular
- Retrieving Data from API
- Summary
Chapter 5: Deeper into Angular JS
- Introduction
- Angular JS Routing
- Adding More Routes
- Client side validation
- Saving Data using Angular
- Creating Angular JS Service
- Moving Add Feature in Service
- Creating Movie Edit Feature
- Creating Movie Remove Feature
- Summary
Chapter 6: Adding More Features using
- Angular JS
- Introduction
- Listing Reviews
- Creating Reviews
- Editing Reviews
- Deleting Reviews
- Introducing Authentication
- Introducing Authorization
- Implementing Search and Pagination
- Summary
Chapter 7: Unit Testing
- Introduction
- Testing Web APIs with QunitJS
- Writing Angular Test
- Using $http Backend Service
- Writing Controller Tests
- Self-Hosting with Kestrel
- Publishing on IIS
- Publishing with DNU or DOTNET
- Publishing on Azure
- Summary