Part I: Filming
Chapter 1: Make a Video Birth Announcement and Record Your Kids Growing Up
Chapter 2: Create a Family Newscast
Chapter 3: Create a Video Valentine
Chapter 4: Create a Vacation Movie Your Guests Will Really Enjoy
Chapter 5: Record a Party
Chapter 6: Make a Music Video
Chapter 7: Shoot Your Own Script
Chapter 8: Create a Video Family Album Part II: Editing
Chapter 9: Create a Dramatic Slideshow
Chapter 10: Add Terrific Titles and Creative Credits
Chapter 11: Giants Attack: Create a Monster Movie
Chapter 12: Create a Dream Sequence
Chapter 13: Shooting Sports Events
Chapter 14: Create an Interactive DVD Game
Chapter 15: Create a Time-Lapse Video
Chapter 16: Create Fantastic Audio for Your Movie
Chapter 17: Create a Stop-Motion Movie
Chapter 18: Create a Video Holiday Letter
Chapter 19: Create Hollywood-Style DVD Menus Part III: Multimedia
Chapter 20: Connect Your TV and PC to Make a Digital Movie Theater
Chapter 21: Save Your Favorite TV Shows
Chapter 22: Share Your Videos
Chapter 23: Create a Video Podcast
Chapter 24: Create an Archive That Will Last for Years Index