Artificial Intelligence Question Bank (for Class IX)
S P Verma
SKU: 9788194334408
ISBN: 9788194334408
Rights: Worldwide
Publishing Date: March 2022
Pages: 422
Dimension: 8.5*11 Inches
A quality AI Resource Book for getting roaring success in both Terms exams for class IX students as per the CBSE curriculum.
- Strictly based on the syllabus as prescribed by CBSE.
- Each unit is divided into four sections, viz Unit, in Brief, CBSE/NCERT Section, Solved Exercises, and Unsolved Exercises.
- Explains the concepts of each unit in the lucid language in the form of “Unit In Brief”.
- ‘CBSE/NCERT Section’ contains all solved questions that appeared in CBSE/NCERT textbook or manual.
- ‘Solved Exercises’ section provides all sorts of the test items including MCQs, Fill in the Blanks, True/ False Type, Statements Based Questions, Assertion Reason Type Questions, VSAQs, SAQs, LAQs, and HOTS related to the content of the unit.
- ‘Unsolved Questions’ section provides additional unsolved questions for practice.
- “Competency-Based Questions” are incorporated in all units for enhancing and evaluating competencies among learners as per NEP 2020.
- Some Questions/Test items are incorporated for inculcating 21St Century Life Skills including creativity, innovation, critical thinking, etc.
- Solved CBSE Sample Papers, Solved Sample Papers, and Unsolved Papers for Term 1 and Term 2 are provided at the end of the book.
AI Question Bank (for Class IX) is an essential resource book for getting roaring success in the subject of Artificial Intelligence (Course Code 417). It takes the learners through all the essential theoretical concepts of AI through a variety of test items as per the latest syllabus prescribed by CBSE followed by Unsolved Exercises for revision and practice. Solved CBSE Sample Papers, Solved Sample Papers, and Unsolved Sample Papers for Term 1 and Term 2 are added advantages. It is written in lucid language. The content flow essentially contains concepts clearance through different tables, charts, graphs, pictures, photographs, etc.
It is almost the first publication of its kind, i.e., a publication dedicated to enhancing the technical skills (computing/coding) of the learners and empowering them to face the examinations boldly. In addition to it, 21st Century Life Skills including creativity, innovation, critical thinking, etc., are sharpened through some test items. The book will serve the learners interested in learning AI and Python language.
Furthermore, this book highlights all the necessary topics and subtopics related to the subject according to the age group of the learners to make them tech-savvy futuristic world citizens.
- Concepts of AI and Python Basic as per the latest syllabus for class IX prescribed by CBSE.
- Hands-on experience with a variety of test items needed to get awesome success in the examinations.
- Practical experience in attempting a variety of test items for preparing well for board exams.
- Understanding and practicing new exam patterns through sample papers.
- Solved and Unsolved Sample Papers are provided for revision purposes.
This book is meant for Class IX students of CBSE schools, students of any other board, and/ any other learner interested in learning Artificial Intelligence and Python Basic.AI Syllabus for Class IX (Term wise)
- Unit 1. Communication Skill I
- Unit 2. Self-Management I
- Unit 3. ICT Skills I
- Unit 4. Entrepreneurial Skills I
- Unit 5. Green Skills I
- Unit 6. Introduction to AI
- Unit 7. AI Project cycle
- Unit 8. Neural Network
- Unit 9. Python Basic
S P Verma: The author has been working in the field of education since last 35 years. As a seasoned educationist, teacher trainer, career counsellor, academic auditor, motivator, mentor, author and editor, he has authored 55 school books, 6 research papers, 10 research articles, more than 70 articles on careers and edited more than 200 educational products. More than 20k educators (teachers and principals) attended his training sessions across the country. More than 200k students were career counselled and inspired to take right career plan by him. Formerly holding the positions as principal,Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, New Delhi; Regional Director, TeacherSity, New Delhi; Regional Director, iDC, New Delhi; Director (School Trg),Vidya Institute of Training and Development,VKP, Meerut; he is now serving as Director (Trg and Innovation),GEM Foundatiions, Bengaluru. Besides Associate Life Member of Computer Society of India (CSI), he is associated with a number of professional bodies as Life Member, like Vigyan Parishad, Allahabad; InSc, Bengaluru; Hindi Vigyan Sahitya Parishad,BARC,Mumbai; PTAI, New Delhi, etc.
LinkedIn Profile: S P Verma