Numerical Analysis A Programming Approach
Vinay Vachharajani
SKU: 9788183335515
Rs. 399
ISBN: 9788183335515
Authors: Vinay Vachharajani
Rights: Worldwide
Publishing Date: September 2017
Pages: 577
Dimension: 23 X 15 X 3 cm
Authors: Vinay Vachharajani
Rights: Worldwide
Publishing Date: September 2017
Pages: 577
Dimension: 23 X 15 X 3 cm
Book Type: Paperback
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This book is Designed to serve as a text book for the undergraduate as well as post graduate students of Mathematics, Engineering, Computer Science.
- Concept of numbers and their accuracy, binary and decimal number system, limitations of floating-point representation.
- Concept of error and their types, propagation of errors through process graph.
- Iterative methods for finding the roots of algebraic and transcendental equations with their convergence, methods to solve the set of non-linear equations, methods to obtain complex roots.
- Concept of matrices, the direct and iterative methods to solve a system of linear algebraic equations.
- Finite differences, interpolation and extrapolation methods, cubic spline, the concept of curve fitting.
- Differentiation and integration methods.
- The solution of ordinary and partial differential equations
- Chapters include objectives, learning outcomes, multiple-choice questions, exercises for practice and solutions.
- Programs are written in C Language for Numerical methods.
- Topics are explained with suitable examples.
- Arrangement (Logical order), clarity, detailed presentation and explanation of each topic with numerous solved and unsolved examples.
- Concise but lucid and student-friendly presentation for the derivation of formulas used in various numerical methods.
- Numerical Integration
- Difference Equations
- Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations
- Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations
- Appendix – I Case Studies / Applications
- Appendix - II Synthetic Division
- Bibliography
- Index