Operating Systems
Colin Ritchie
SKU: 9788176569767
Rs. 180
ISBN: 9788176569767
Authors: Colin Ritchie
Rights: Worldwide
Publishing Date: January 1998
Pages: 328
Book Type: Paperback
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This book provides the practical course text to the operating systems elements required by the majority of degree and HND courses in Computing. It uses as a basis the familiar operating systems of UNIX, MSDOS andWindows . The emphasis in the book is on installing the theoretical concepts by showing their practical application in actual operating systems.This book bridges the gap between detailed texts written for systems.
- Background
- Basics
- User Interface
- Process Management
- Memory management
- Memory management
- Memory management
- InputOutput
- File management
- File Management
- Concurrent processes
- Concurrent processes
- Networks and distributed systems
- Security Appendix : A Introduction to the UNIX
- Shell Appendix : B Summary of MSDOS commands Answers to review questions Answers to selected test questions Web references Bibliography Index
Coiin Ritchie