Operating Systems

Colin Ritchie

SKU: 9788176569767

Rs. 180

ISBN: 9788176569767
Authors: Colin Ritchie
Rights: Worldwide
Publishing Date: January 1998
Pages: 328
Book Type: Paperback

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This book provides the practical course text to the operating systems elements required by the majority of degree and HND courses in Computing. It uses as a basis the familiar operating systems of UNIX, MSDOS andWindows . The emphasis in the book is on installing the theoretical concepts by showing their practical application in actual operating systems.This book bridges the gap between detailed texts written for systems.
  1. Background
  2. Basics
  3. User Interface
  4. Process Management
  5. Memory management
  6. Memory management
  7. Memory management
  8. InputOutput
  9. File management
  10. File Management
  11. Concurrent processes
  12. Concurrent processes
  13. Networks and distributed systems
  14. Security Appendix : A Introduction to the UNIX
  15. Shell Appendix : B Summary of MSDOS commands Answers to review questions Answers to selected test questions Web references Bibliography Index
Coiin Ritchie

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