Parametric Solid Modeling projects

Prof. Sham Tickoo

SKU: 9789388176484

Rs. 799


ISBN: 9789388176484
Authors: Prof. Sham Tickoo
Rights: Worldwide
Publishing Date: January 2018
Pages: 226
Dimension: 20 x 14 x 4 cm
Book Type: Paperback

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Parametric Solid Modeling projects textbook is written to help users to learn and design real-world models. Structured in a pedagogical sequence, the book contains real-world engineering projects and begins with simple part assemblies and then progress toward the complex design of industrial models.

After completing this book, the users will be able to design other real-world/industrial projects with ease. Additionally, they will be able to design all components, develop assemblies, and generate 2D drawings of the parts and assemblies along with Bill of Material.

The Salient Features of The Textbook are as Follows:

Project-based- Approach: The author has adopted a project-based approach to explaining various real-world mechanical engineering drawings. Moreover, each project contains drawings of its parts created as per the industrial standards to enable the users to understand the concept of drafting and modeling of industrial components. 

Real-World Mechanical Engineering Projects: The author has used 14 different real-world project assemblies as projects. The projects are divided into more than 250 parts, 14 assemblies, and 200 drawings to help the user understand the concepts of real-world engineering projects. After completing the projects, the user will be able to create different projects using drafting standards with ease.


Chapter 1: Wheel Assembly

Chapter 2: Metal Shear Assembly

Chapter 3: Angle Clamp Assembly

Chapter 4: Hand Punch Press Assembly

Chapter 5: Ball Valve Assembly 

Chapter 6: Pneumatic Gripper Assembly

Chapter 7: Car Jack Assembly

Chapter 8: Wrench Assembly

Chapter 9: Hand Drill Assembly

Chapter 10: Sheet Bending Machine Assembly

Chapter 11: Reduction Gear Box Assembly

Chapter 12: Single Stage Centrifugal Assembly

Chapter 13: Single Plate Clutch Assembly

Chapter 14: Vertical Twin Steam Engine Assembly

Prof. Sham Tickoo is currently working as a Professor at Purdue University, USA. He received MS in Industrial Technology from Northern Illinois University, Illinois, USA; MS in Industrial and Management Engineering from the University of Iowa, Iowa City, USA; and BS in Mechanical Engineering from NIT, Srinagar, India. Before joining Purdue University in 1987, Prof. Tickoo has worked as a Design Engineer, Quality Control Engineer, and Software Developer. Prof. Tickoo has authored/co-authored textbooks on several major CAD/CAE/Animation software packages like SolidWorks, CATIA, Pro/Engineer, NX, AutoCAD, Customizing AutoCAD, AutoCAD LT, Solid Edge, 3ds Max, 3ds Max Design, Autodesk Inventor, Mechanical Desktop, and VIZ. In addition to North America, his textbooks have been translated and published in Russia, Japan, India, South Korea, and Serbia. Prof. Tickoo has obtained over $24 Million software grant from ANSYS, IBM, and Siemens. 

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