Learn DOS 6.2 in a Day

Russell A. Stultz

SKU: 9788170293101

Rs. 150


ISBN: 9788170293101
Authors: Russell A. Stultz
Rights: Worldwide
Publishing Date: January 1994
Pages: 170
Dimension: 22 X 13.5 X 1 cm
Book Type: Paperback

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This book guides you through the use of Disk Operating System. Written for users of all DOS versions, this tutorial shows you how to use the important commands found in all versions of DOS and is a guide to using the new DOS 6.0 and 6.2 utilities to enhance your computer operations. This book provides you with the means to quickly identify which commands are available on your computer and unavailable in earlier versions of DOS. If you like to learn by doing, this book has you formatting disks, copying files, and displaying their contents in minutes. Designed with the beginner in mind, this book makes it easy to master the most common commands with practical, hands-on activities.
  1. Section 1 : Introduction and DOS Overview
  2. Section 2 : Getting Started
  3. Section 3 : Preparing and Examining Disks
  4. Section 4 : Filenames and Directory Commands
  5. Section 5 : Copying Files and Disks
  6. Section 6 : Erasing Renaming and Displaying Files
  7. Section 7 : Piping Commands and DOS Filters
  8. Section 8 : Automatic File Execution 
  9. Section 9 : Backing Up and Restoring Files
  10. Section 10 : File Attribute and Copy Control
  11. Section 11 : Controlling Computer Devices with the Mode Command
  12. Section 12 : Memory and Disk Management and File Compression
  13. Section 13 : Anti Virus Protection
Russell A. Stultz

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