Web Designing and Development Training Guide
Prof. satish jain, Ambrish k. Rai, M. Geetha
SKU: 9788183335799
ISBN: 9788183335799
Authors: Prof. Satish Jain, Ambrish k. Rai, M. Geetha
Rights: Worldwide
Publishing Date: March 2021
Pages: 196
Weight: 300 grams
Dimension: 6*9 Inches
Plan Your Next Web Design Project
- From planning to development, search engine optimization, and promotion, this guide takes the readers from being novices to becoming fully-fledged web designers.
- There are concise explanations, clear illustrations, and plenty of useful and memorable tips.
The book is a step-by-step training manual for learning to design a web page. It covers the basic process of planning and maintenance of web pages and websites as well as the basic structure and layout of a website.
After that, it explains how to set up a website and its files. It also explains how to create a website (using site setup dialog box) and a web page (using Dreamweaver). It then describes how to format web pages using Cascading Styles Sheets (CSS).
The book explains how to add graphics to a web page using Dreamweaver and how to work with framesets and frames. Then, it covers HTML and explains how to create web pages using HTML tags to display information on a web browser.
After that, the book covers the basics of Photoshop CS6, Flash Animation as well as the basics of Adobe XD.
No prior experience in building a website? This friendly guide is the perfect place to start! With this guide, you’ll begin with learning how the web and web pages work, and then you will steadily learn how to build a website from there. By the end of the book, you’ll have the skills to create a simple website.
The book is ideal for students and professionals of all backgrounds and skill levels. It is also a useful reference for experienced developers to keep their skills up to date.
- Web Publishing
- Setting up a Website and its Files
- Creating Web Page using Dreamweaver
- Adding Graphics to Web Page in Dreamweaver
- Working with Framesets and Frames
- Using HTML to Create Web Pages
- Photoshop CS6
- Flash Animation
- Working with Adobe XD
Prof. Satish Jain has obtained a B.Sc. degree from Agra University in First Division and is a gold medal winner. He obtained a B.E. (Electronics) degree from the Indian Institute of Science (I.I.Sc.), Bangalore, with Distinction. He joined Indian Airforce as a signal officer and held different technical appointments during 21 years of service. He was specially selected by the IAF to undergo Masters of Engineering course in Aerospace science at I.I.Sc., Bangalore, and M.Tech in Computer Science Engineering
at IIT Kanpur. After taking retirement from the IAF, he set up the Computer
Science Department in different organizations and educational institutes.