Working With Unix
Vijay Mukhi
SKU: 9788170293361
Rs. 360
ISBN: 9788170293361
Authors: Vijay Mukhi
Rights: Worldwide
Publishing Date: January 1993
Pages: 523
Dimension: 20 x 14 x 4 cm
Book Type: Paperback
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Unix. Born in the dark and somber portals of Bell Laboratories, it was a dream that one man nurtured and cherished. Like a parent, he reared the infant with compassion and zeal. And as the fledgling grew and spread its wings, it caught the attention of the world. What had begun as a sequel to the failure of MULTICS, became a force to reckon with in the modern world. The scholars raved, the Universities were bowled over, and a golden chapter began in the annals of multi-user computing. Unix had arrived. This book is a journey through the vast expanse of Unix. A tryst with its powerful commands, at both the basic and advanced levels. It also takes a detour into the depths of Borne Shell programming and System Administration. It breaks through the aura of erudition and complexity that Unix is bestowed with. With a lucid explanation of technical concepts and the commands based on them, it seeks to unravel the human face of Unix. With enough landmarks along the way, it's a smooth journey through the Portals of Power
1. Unix : The Fundamental Principles
2. Getting Started with Unix
3. Learning The Ropes
4. Gaining Momentum
5. Using The vi Editor
6. Advanced vi Techniques
7. Pipes, Filters and Pattern Searching
8. Communicating with Other Users
9. Processes and How Unix Handles them
10. Useful General Purpose Commands
11. System Security
12. File Systems and Devices Management
13. Shell Programming
14. Sysadm
Vijay Mukhi