Computer Organization and Operating System
Prof. Satish Jain, M. Geetha
SKU: 9789390684038
ISBN: 9789390684038
Authors: Prof. Satish Jain,M. Geetha
Rights: Worldwide
Publishing Date: January 2021
Pages: 232
Weight: 494 grams
Dimension: 8.5*11
Book covers the entire syllabus for Module-6, Computer Organization and Operating System in a clear and simple style. It presents a detailed discussion on the basic structure of computers, Arithmetic Operations and Instructions; with various components of a computer and their function. It also discusses logic gates, binary arithmetic and types of Instructions.
I/O organization, memory organizations are some of the hardware features of a computer which are evolving every day. Concepts behind these systems are covered with the help of a number of diagrams with simple explanations.
In addition, basics of Linux file system, Process management, Shell features, Standard input/output, Piping and Processing tools are discussed in such a manner that students of all streams namely arts, commerce and science can easily understand such complex subjects without any difficulty.
Based on NIELIT ‘A’ Level Revised and Latest Syllabus for Module 6 (A6-R5)
- A comprehensive glossary is added for easy access to numerous terms needed for understanding the subject matter.
- Set of review questions with answers are added at the end of each chapter.
- A set of solved and unsolved papers are also included to enable the readers to get a feel of the questions likely to be asked in the examination.
- Structure of Computers and its Arithmetic Operations
- Central Processing Unit, Instructions
- Memory Organization, I/O Organization
- Operating Systems, Linux Basics
Students, Programmers, researchers, and software developers who wish to learn the Computer Organization and Operating System.
- Basic Structure of Computers
- Computer Arithmetic Operations
- Central Processing Unit and Instructions
- Memory Organization
- Input/Output Organization
- Operating Systems Overview
- Linux Basics
- Process Management and Shell Script
- Users, Group and Permissions
- Standard I/O and Pipes
- Finding and Processing Files
Prof. Satish Jain has obtained B.Sc. degree from Agra University in First Division and is a gold medal winner. He obtained a B.E. (Electronics) degree from Indian Institute of Science (I.I.Sc.), Bangalore with Distinction. He joined Indian Airforce as a signal officer and held different technical appointments during 21 years of service. He was specially selected by the IAF to undergo Masters of Engineering course in Aerospace science at I.I.Sc., Bangalore and M.Tech in Computer Science Engineering at IIT Kanpur. After taking retirement from the IAF, he set up the Computer Science Department in different organisations and educational institutes.