Computers Made Friendly -Vol 6

BPB Publications

SKU: 9788176568166

Rs. 195

ISBN: 9788176568166
Authors: BPB Publications
Rights: Worldwide
Publishing Date: January 2004
Pages: 100
Dimension: 27.5 X 22 X 0.5 cm
Book Type: Paperback

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Do You want to know what all can you do with this wonderful Box Known as PERSONAL COMPUTER? Here is a one point solution to all your requirements. This series will help you attain sufficient expertise in carrying out every day tasks for PC with Confidence.
  • Fully illustrated Information on Computers and its various Applications.
  • Learn The practical usage of the Computer.
  • Enhance your knowledge of emerging Technology.

1. Evolution of Computers

2. Computer System Organisation

3. Programming Languages

4. Programming with LOGO -LOGO Procedures

5. Windows 95/ 98-Managing Files and Folders

6. Word Processing in Word-Review and Some More Features

7. Word Processing in Word-Formatting and Printing

8. Internet -An Introduction Glossary of Computer World Read More........


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