Course on Computer Concepts Made Simple
Prof. Satish Jain, M. Geetha
SKU: 9789388511742
ISBN: 9789388511742
Authors: Prof. Satish Jain, M. Geetha
Rights: Worldwide
Publishing Date: February 2020
Pages: 308
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This book is designed in a manner to cover the entire latest syllabus of Course on Computer Concepts (CCC) and prepare a person to pass the exam and learn the use of computers for professional as well as day-to-day use.
The book is parted into thirteen chapters and the topics comprised as per the new guidelines outlined by NIELIT. It gives theoretical background as well as in-depth understanding of software packages.
It starts with the concepts of Computer, its applications and then explains the basic of hardware and software. After this, you will learn about Operating Systems.
You will understand the elements of MS Word, LibreOffice Writer along with various tools and ample number of screens with examples. Then further learn the concepts of MS Excel, LibreOffice Calc. After this, you will learn about the MS PowerPoint and LibreOffice Impress.
Then you will understand the World Wide Web and enhance the skills for Web browsers and the use of search engine. It will later help you to go through LAN, WAN and concept of the Internet. Next chapter is about the communication and collaboration through social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram to send instant messaging.
At the last, you will learn about the applications of Digital Financial Tools and Applications in India along with various schemes and then the basic concepts of IT Technology and Cyber Security.
The Best in Computer Concepts
Key Features
- Updated with Ubuntu & LibreOffice
- Includes 2300 Multiple choice questions
- Acquire confidence in using computer techniques available to users
- Recognise the basic concepts of computers technology, understand data, information and file management
- Create documents by using MS Word, LibreOffice Writer, MS Excel, LibreOffice Calc and MS PowerPoint, LibreOffice Impress
- Understand computer networks, and browse the internet, content search, email and collaborate with peers
- Use of e-governance applications; and use computer to improve existing skills and learn new skills
- Use internet for digital financial services
What Will You Learn
- Introduction to Computer, Operating System, Edubuntu/Ubuntu
- MS Office, LibreOffice
- Internet, WWW, Web, E-mail, Social Networking and e-Governance Services
- Digital Financial Tools, Futuristic IT Technology & Cyber Security
Who This Book is For
This book aims at imparting a basic level of IT literacy to computer novices and will help them to learn the practical applications of the concepts.
- Introduction to Computer
- Operating System
- Understanding Edubuntu/Ubuntu
- MS-Word
- LibreOffice Writer
- MS-Excel
- LibreOffice Calc
- MS PowerPoint
- LibreOffice Impress
- Introduction to Internet, WWW and Web
- E-mail, Social Networking and e-Governance Services
- Digital Financial Tools and Application
- Overview on Futuristic IT Technology & Cyber Security
- Solved Model Test Paper I-X
- Unsolved Model Test Paper I-IV