OCEJWCD Study Companion Certification Study Guide

Charles Lyons

SKU: 9788183335010

Rs. 650


ISBN: 9788183335010
Authors: Charles Lyons
Rights: Worldwide
Publishing Date: January 2013
Pages: 666
Dimension: 22.5 X 15 X 3.5 cm
Book Type: Paperback

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This book is a study guide for any candidate preparing for the new Java EE Web Component Developer exam (Oracle Exam 1ZO899) . It contains the theory behind how the Web container works, and important notes, hints and tips on the types of trick questions to look for in the exam. By combining logical and easy to follow discussions with clear visual aids and diagrams, you will learn how the container works, and, by the end of the book, you'll be wondering why servlets, JSPs, and tag libraries seemed so complicated before. By combining the theory taught in this book with practical experience, you will not only succeed in passing the exam, but will do so confident that you are able to solve problems and draw up solutions on the job. 
  1. Networks and HTTP
  2. Java EE Architecture
  3. Servlet Basics
  4. Servlet Contexts
  5. Requests and Responses
  6. RequestDispatcher & Wrappers
  7. Filters
  8. Asynchronous Requests
  9. Session Management 
  10. Application Deployment
  11. Modular Deployment
  12. Resource Injection
  13. JSP Basics
  14. JSP Documents 
  15. Expression Language
  16. Standard Actions & JavaBeans
  17. Tag Libraries and the JSTL
  18. Custom Tags
  19. Tag Files
  20. Tag Deployment
  21. Security
  22. Java EE Patterns

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