Successful Projects in Word

P.M. Heathcote

SKU: 9788176563994

Rs. 150


ISBN: 9788176563994
Authors: P.M. Heathcote
Rights: Worldwide
Publishing Date: January 2001
Pages: 198
Dimension: 74 X 21.5 X 1 cm
Book Type: Paperback

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Successful Projects In Word is designed to help students on a number of courses such as 'A' Level or AVCE ICT, HNC and HND in Business Information Technology and Access to HE complete a project using Microsoft Word. It assumes very little previous knowledge of Word and covers essential features of Word from basic editing and formatting right through to advanced features such as templates, macros, customized toolbars and menus. Full instructions are given for both Word 6 and Word 2000, with additional guidance for Word 7 and '97 users

Part 1: Word Basics    

Chapter 1 - Getting Started    

Chapter 2 - Styles and Formatting    

Chapter 3 - Tabs, Indents, Bullets and Boxes     

Chapter 4 - Graphics and Gridlines      

Part 2: Advanced Skills in Word 2000    

Chapter 5- Header and Footers    

Chapter 6 - Templates    

Chapter 7 - Macros    

Chapter 8 - Tables, Formula and Forms    

Chapter 9 - Mail Merge    

Chapter 10 - Customizing Menus and Toolbars    

Chapter 11 - Designing the User interface    

Part 3: Advanced Skills in Word 6    

Chapter 12 - Header and Footers    

Chapter 13 - Templates    

Chapter 14 - Macros    

Chapter 15 - Tables, Formulae and Forms    

Chapter 16- Mail Merge    

Chapter 17 - Customizing Menus and Toolbars    

Chapter 18  - Adding a Front End Part 4: Tackling the Project    

Chapter 19 - Starting Your Project   

Chapter 20  - Analysis and Design    

Chapter 21 - Implementation and Testing    

Chapter 22 - Evaluation  

Appendix AQA

Project Mark Scheme

P.M. Heathcote

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